Dear Champlain Elementary School Families,
Welcome to the 2018-19 school year at Champlain Elementary School!
On Tuesday, August 28 at 9:30-11:00am, we welcome parents/guardians and students to our annual informal Open House. During this time, you may visit your child’s classroom, meet new teachers, greet old friends, and learn about the different subjects and activities in which your child will engage this year. The backyard playground and other areas provide the opportunity for parents to connect and children to play. We hope to see you then!
The first day of school is Wednesday, August 29 at 8:08am to 1:50pm. School ends at 2:50pm on the other days of the week. Our faculty and staff will meet all our students on the front lawn. Students will gather around their new teacher (holding a sign with his or her name), who will walk them into the building and their new classroom.
On this first day of school, Champlain’s Parent-Teacher Organization hosts a Parent Welcome Breakfast at 8:15am in the outdoor classroom (southeast corner behind the building). Please join this important group to learn about their initiatives and to share ideas of your own. For more information about all PTO activities and conversations, visit the public Facebook page, Champlain Elementary School PTO.
Every year all parents/guardians need to submit their children’s information on InfoSnap, Burlington’s online student registration system. Without this required information, Champlain cannot reach parents and other approved contacts during emergencies, and thus your child may be prevented from attending school. We would also lack children’s health information, which is necessary for keeping everyone safe. For more information, please contact the BSD central office at 865-5332.
Please remember that kindergarten ends at 11:30am on the first three days of school Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, August 29-31, as part of our new students’ transition to elementary school and for individual student assessments. Each day kindergarteners will receive a bag lunch to take along. Please pick up your children promptly at 11:30am. Your child’s scheduled testing appointment is included in this mailing.
By Wednesday, August 29, you can find our 2018-19 Champlain Family Handbook and the Burlington School District Family Handbook on our school website: https://champlainelementary.com/resources/family-handbook. Please take the time to read this very important information included in each book, as these will guide you throughout the school year. If you cannot access the handbooks online, please stop by the office for a printed copy. We really count on our families to read our Burlington School District and Champlain information.
On Friday, September 14 at 5:00-7:00pm is our Champlain Harvest Fest where families can eat, play, and share time with Champlain educators and community members. To volunteer for the fest, please contact Kerrie Mathes at kerrie@burlingtontelecom.net. Sign-up sheets will also be available at the Parent Welcome Breakfast on August 29.
Champlain hosts Curriculum Night on Thursday, September 20 at 6:00-7:00pm. Parents and students learn in detail the topics and skills taught during this year of study from their teachers. Curriculum Night provides time for discussion on class field trips and other special activities.
On behalf of my colleagues, I would like thank our parents/guardians for their love and support of their children’s learning. Please feel free to contact us anytime. Together with our teachers and staff, we provide an education of excellence and equity.
Remember, it’s always time to: Be Safe! Be Respectful! Be Responsible! Be a Champ! We can’t wait to see you all again!
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Dorinne Dorfman, Principal